La Forest Therapy School inizia domani e si svolgerà ogni martedì.

Cara/o Immaginalista,

La Scuola per Forest Therapy Guide in inglese inizia domani e si svolgerà ogni martedì per 9 settimane.

Vogliamo portare alla tua attenzione anche il

Seminario Ingegneria Psichica

9 Aprile @ 09:00 – 10 Aprile @ 18:00

Borgo degli Aranci – San Giuliano Terme


8 moduli di manifestazione della mente poetica

Un precorso unico di deprogrammazione e risveglio nel quale apprenderemo ad uscire dalla mappa mentale del reale per trasformare il bisogno di controllo nella capacità di amare.


Scopri di più!

The Forest Therapy Guide school
is now available in English

The school will start on the 1th of March 2022 and will end on the 266th of April 2021.

It is a 9 week online training. Every Tuesday from 8:00 am to 10:00 am you will learn directly from Selene the ancient art of immersion in nature and you will have the opportunity to chat with her during the live session and to interact with the private Facebook group whenever you want. The live sessions will be permanent so you can re-watch them!

It is also a great opportunity to internationalize your work!

English or Italian speaker, this school is for you, to open your heart and your mind to the Shinrin-Yoku, the art of “forest bathing”. You will deepen your relationship with nature, with yourself and with your clients.

During this COVID fearful times, you will foremost benefit of a full immersion in nature from your home!

You don’t have to social distance with nature and with your imaginal forest!

The School is entirely in English and provides a diploma amongst the most recognized in Europe as it is accredited by AISCON, the Italian-Swiss Association for professional counseling and coaching.

More Info
(lettori 20 in totale)

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